Financing, General Corporate, M&A, Receiver and Administrator Partner
(+62)(21) 39705090

Qualified to the highest international standards, Ivan is a specialist in corporate/commercial transactions. He has extensive experience representing clients in complex cross-border transactions involving several jurisdictions. His areas of practice are mostly in financing, capital market, merger & acquisition, investment, and other general corporate law matters. Ivan previously worked for Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung, and Assegaf Hamzah & Partners.

Ivan graduated from Universitas Atma Jaya (S.H.) and completed his masters at Tilburg University (LL.M.) in the Netherlands.

Ivan is a registered capital market lawyer at Indonesian Capital Market Legal Consultant Association (HKHPM) and a registered receiver and administrator at Indonesian Association of Trustee in Bankruptcy and Administrator (HKPI).


Financing, General Corporate, M&A, Receiver and Administrator Partner
(+62)(21) 39705090

Qualified to the highest international standards, Ivan is a specialist in corporate/commercial transactions. He has extensive experience representing clients in complex cross-border transactions involving several jurisdictions. His areas of practice are mostly in financing, capital market, merger & acquisition, investment, and other general corporate law matters. Ivan previously worked for Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung, and Assegaf Hamzah & Partners.

Ivan graduated from Universitas Atma Jaya (S.H.) and completed his masters at Tilburg University (LL.M.) in the Netherlands.

Ivan is a registered capital market lawyer at Indonesian Capital Market Legal Consultant Association (HKHPM) and a registered receiver and administrator at Indonesian Association of Trustee in Bankruptcy and Administrator (HKPI).